
Arch Wood and Steel simple Coffee Table for Living space

Arch系列- 實木咖啡桌

長60*寬60*高38 公分



Arch Table 是一組可高低搭配或單獨使用的多用途的咖啡桌/邊桌,其體積小適用於任何空間搭配各式的沙發或單椅,輕便且可隨時攜帶至生活起居中的各個角落,簡單的外型能輕鬆融入不同居家風格的擺設。

特意選用色澤與紋理豐富的台灣國產木材,手工製作,透過特殊的木頭紋理與圓弧雕塑造型展現石紋般的光澤質感。並以簡潔的金屬支架結合原木桌面,強化整體結構性並保留造型的純粹;使用異材質結合, 藉由不同材質間對比的質感,強調所有細節特徵。

Arch Table is a set of two multi-purpose tables of different height, one coffee table with a larger surface but lower height, and one side table with a smaller surface but taller height. These two tables can be purchased, placed and utilised jointly or individually. With careful measurements and the feature of lightweight , these two tables can be a suitable decorative piece for any space in the house, in the living room, or even in the bedroom. The simplicity of the design allows the tables to be swimmingly integrated into different styles of interior designs.

The Arch Table is entirely handcrafted with selective native Taiwanese wood, which is grown to prevent mould due to the high humidity in Taiwan, thus native wood can establish a distinct wood grain and still sustain uncompromising quality. This design concept is based on the use of a polished arch pedestal with interlaced wood grains, exhibiting a shimmering sheen with high resemblance to marble. The simple metallic trunk strengthens the overall structure and durability, and can keep the shape simple but stable. Through the combination of different materials, the contrasting texture of the different materials is vastly amplified, simultaneously strengthening all the details of the tables.

The dimension of the coffee table is about 60 cm in Diameter, and 38 cm in height. The table surface can be subject to customisation. 

The dimension of the side table  is about 38 cm in Diameter, and 50 cm in height. The table surface can be subject to customisation. 



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