
Corner Wood and Rattan Simple console table for Living Space

Corner系列-實木籐編邊櫃/ 邊桌

長70*寬35*高62 公分

台灣衫、籐/ 柳杉、籐 (另有其他木種可選)

Corner 系列採用原木搭配籐面的素材,和圓潤的外型設計,打造出淡雅風格的輕量化傢俱,希望傳遞一種簡約.清爽的居家氛圍。從設計到生產皆來自台灣,手工打造溫馨且高品質的傢俱,希望藉此傳達台灣的工藝之美。

The Corner Console Table使用原木搭配天然籐面,大圓弧桌腳為其特色,既可展現細緻的木紋質地,又可避免碰撞受傷,穩固安全又美觀。下方的籐編層板設計不僅好看,也能置物,特意設計成活動式,可拆卸放置較高物品,或是替換成木頭層板,提供更多使用上的選擇。


The Corner Console Table is crafted of natural lumber and rattan. It features four rounded legs, not only can it convey the fineness and the uniqueness of wood pattern, but also avoid collision against sharp edges on general sideboards. This particular sideboard is designed and handcrafted with sublime stability, safety and aesthetics. The rattan shelf below the top deck surface is specially designed to be detachable for alternative purpose of use. The area underneath can be converted from two smaller compartments into one large space to store higher items, or replaced with a piece of wooden shelf.

The console table is rectangular in shape, which is decoratively compatible with various combinations of space in the house. As it is designed merely at the height of the armrest of a sofa, the console table delivers a sense of spaciousness anywhere in the house, with a convenient storage area without any doors. The simplicity of the furniture can augment the elegance and quality style beside the sofa or the bed, at the foyer or even the hallway. 

The dimension of the  console tables about 70 cm in width, 35 cm in depth, and 62 cm in height.



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