
Corner Wood and Rattan Simple Counter Stool for Kitchen Island

Corner系列- H55 實木藤編 中島椅

長35*寬35*高55 公分

台灣杉、籐/ 柳杉、籐|(另有其他木種可選)

Corner 系列採用原木搭配籐面的素材,和圓潤的外型設計,打造出淡雅風格的輕量化傢俱,希望傳遞一種簡約.清爽的居家氛圍。從設計到生產皆來自台灣,手工打造溫馨且高品質的傢俱,希望藉此傳達台灣的工藝之美。

Corner 系列採用原木搭配籐面的素材,和圓潤的外型設計,打造出淡雅風格的輕量化傢俱,希望傳遞一種簡約.清爽的居家氛圍。從設計到生產皆來自台灣,手工打造溫馨且高品質的傢俱,希望藉此傳達台灣的工藝之美。

In this Corner collection, you can feel the subtleness of the wood, the meshed surface design with simplicity. The stool is entirely handcrafted with natural lumber. Wooden but lightweight, forging a sophisticated piece of artistic stool with bright wooden colour, and four rounded corners to deliver elegance. 

The stool is designed in a size that can be easily placed into a car if you choose to pick it up by yourselves, and it’s light enough for anyone to carry, at less than 10kgin weight. 

The dimension of the short stool is about 35 cm in width and depth, and 55 cm in height.


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